When Clients Become Friends

3 years ago

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We first met Juan about nine years ago. Wow how time flies!! Seems that more and more are losing faith in the directions and the paths their elected are heading in. When I first met Juan it was on one of our excursions. Juan was born in the DR and at a young age was relocated along with his family to the States. After going through the normal experimental stages determining what career choices were possible he eventually settled down in the flooring business.

Juan worked diligently in the States and along with his wife who’s a teacher and their son who’s still a student carved out an excellent living, but somehow that wasn’t enough. Over time Juan felt and pardon the pun however it is where the name originated from, Juan felt that “something feels wrong” in his current country. He no longer felt a sense of belonging. After meeting us for one of our excursions Juan and the family began to take action. From there the rest is history.

Sit back and enjoy what amounts to couple of friends just “shootin” the breeze. While sitting under a Starfruit tree at the local car wash I asked Juan if we could roll some video and see how it came out. To date I feel it’s one of our most natural videos we’ve ever done. That’s what happens when clients become friends. I’m looking forward to assisting them with their home plans. Soon enough I’ll have another what started out as a client but developed into a friendship just down the road. Yea!!! Let the games begin. Until next time, Barry in DR.

To stay up-to-date on the latest trends why not sign up https://www.somethingfeelswrong.com/join-us/. For those who like bouncing around the DR visiting with interesting people, in general gaining a wealth of information about the DR for sure you’ll want to click on subscribe to our something feels wrong YouTube channel. It’s almost like being on excursion with us. Finally you’ll love our thought-provoking interviews. Dialogue from high profile well respected authorities sharing their perspectives on our rapidly changing world.

Are you looking for a change? Perhaps you’re thinking about expatriating, opting out for a simpler lifestyle. Maybe you’re concerned about the direction your nation is currently heading in and just want a plan B that includes an exit strategy. The reason doesn’t matter because the answer remains the same. Click https://www.somethingfeelswrong.com/tour-information/ and begin taking the first step towards your own excursion. See for yourself if our little area might be the right fit. Both the Something Feels Wrong website and YouTube channel a must for anyone considering a move outside of the US, Canada or Europe.

Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo.

Hash Tags:
#purchasesightunseen, #dominicanrelocatingcabrera, #somethingfeelswrong, #barryindr, #worldinturmoil, #changingquickly, #uncertainsociety, #qualityoflife, #stretchyourdollars, #largeisland, #caribbeanlargestcity, #santodomingo, #livingcostrising, #currency, #inflation, #lifestylebenefits, #health, #foodquality, #weightloss, #nodieting, #welcomingpeople, #dominicans, #relaxedlifestyle, #cabrera, #dominicanrepublic, #domrep, #dr, #mts, #mariatrinidadsanchez, #caribbean, #tropicalisland

MUSIC: Artist: Audionautix
Title: Straighty Baby

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