McAvee and Kaminsky questions

3 years ago

What do you think Dan Kaminskys' early (42) death had to do with this, if anything?
DanieIs step father, Randy Howell, was a data engineer consultant for the computer security software company McAfee.
ALSO, Dan Kaminsky just happened to get that army jabby thing that starts with a V.
Both Kaminsky and McAvee were into exposing the corruption, both dealt w/ Micr0s0ft, both died on the 23 two months apart. (April/June)
Do you think the threat of a "kiII switch" had anything to do with the early death of D Kaminsky? Perhaps it was a message/ warning being sent to his step father, Randy Howell, that if he released any info that McAvee had stored- ready to share- that he'd be next-
his stepson Daniel paid a price- who knows if it's connected, but there are some questionable occurrences.

I'd recommend watching this video- very good: Man in America on McAvee

Dan Kaminsky:
This is an entry by Dan Kaminsky years ago... on his website, looks like he's
exposed a lot of wrong doing.
Just to close up the CyberLaw Podcast is open to feedback. Send comments to; leave a message at 202 862 5785. I’m still waiting for an entertainingly abusive voicemail. We haven’t got them. This has been episode 70 of the Steptoe CyberLaw Podcast brought to by Steptoe & Johnson. Next week we’re going to be joined by Catherine Lotrionte, who is the Associate Director of the Institute for Law, Science and Global Security at Georgetown. And coming soon we’re going to have Jim Baker, the General Counsel of the FBI; Rob Knake, a Senior Fellow for Cyber Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations. We hope you’ll join us next week as we once again provide insights into the latest events in technology, security, privacy in government.

this is a NYTimes article, but it gets blocked- you'll have to screen shot and piece it together to read it:

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