Rebel TV E50 The Lie of a Divided America

3 years ago

If you listen to the media and many government sources you would believe that a race war of epic proportions is about to erupt. You would think that every white person who is not sufficiently contrite and cowed secretly desires to enslave all minorities under his thumb and that police officers are prowling the streets looking for unarmed black men to shoot. According to the president of the United States, minorities are too stupid to be lawyers, accountants or to get photo Ids and it is all because the system is racist. In fact, everything is racist from pancake syrup to math to the belief in hard work.
If you believe those reliable sources you would also think that if you are a heterosexual there is something wrong with you. Deviant sexual behavior is the norm and millions of children are having their gender preferences forced upon them by an evil patriarchal society that wants to rigidly categorize people into only two sexes. You cis people betray your contempt through microaggressions only seen by the permanently aggrieved. The solution to all this racial and sexual bigotry is to punish all white heterosexuals, particularly those who identify as males, because they are incorrigible and beyond redemption, unless they're Democrats.
I will ask you this question. Do you see this in your everyday life? I don't. Now you may say, hey, you live in southwest Florida which is almost as white as Vermont. Currently, I am not in Florida, I'm in north central North Carolina and I'm working in a factory where I am the minority. Apparently my white privilege hasn't gotten me much since my boss is a black man. I work with blacks, hispanics, and number of asians and a few other white folks. And you know what, we all get along. We are nice to each other. I have never talked to a black coworker and felt a burning resentment toward my incorrigible, irredeemable whiteness. The same is true at the gym. Blacks, whites, women, men, all getting along, being polite to one another, friendly waves and encouragement. When I go into a restaurant, the same thing is true.
My guess is your experience has been the same. America is not a racist country, most of us treat our fellows with respect regardless of race. That is what we see every day. But the media, and social media in particular, want to make the anomalies appear to be the norm. Every white woman has a Karen inside just waiting to burst out. Every white man longs for the day when slavery is reestablished. If you don't think kids should be able to have gender reassignment surgery your are bigoted against the LGBTQRST+ community. So every exception becomes the norm, every deviant becomes a profile in courage and criminals becomes martyrs.
Are there racists in America? Sure. Antisemitism is on the rise. That seems to be an acceptable racism today. There are white racists, black racists, asian racists, hispanic racists, there are racists in every group but they are not the norm. America is the most successfully integrated nation on earth. Before Obama injected his poison into our culture, a black man claiming racism in a country that elected him to the highest office, we were far along the path of realizing the dream of both the founders and men like Martin Luther King Jr. For each succeeding generation racism and sexism faded farther from the cultural consciousness. We judged men and women by their character first. My guess is that most of you still do the same thing.
However, if the current media-government complex has its way, they will teach this generation to see race and sexual preference as the only characteristics that matter. They are teaching that there is a irredeemable stain of guilt on one race and a permanent condition of incompetence on another. The only systemic racists are the condescending white Democrats who have miraculously expunged themselves of racial guilt and believe minorities are incapable of achievement without their hand holding and handouts. They are Marxists who have substituted race and gender for class and want to divide us so they can impose their totalitarian vision on us all. Their vision is based on an ideology of lies and we must reject it. Most of America is a place of racial harmony where traditional norms and values are still believed and practiced. We need to hold on to that. We've got to reject their poisonous claims, we cannot become suspicious and resentful of one another based on their lies. We are Americans first, let us remain united on the things that bind us. Respect for one another, liberty, hard work, a sense of justice, and hope for an even better future.

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