Jealousy & Fear in The Body of Christ 6 of 9

3 years ago

Jealousy & Fear in The Body of Christ 6 of 9

October 11, 2012

You just can't deal with everything. There's a lot to be said also for relegating duties and jobs. You know, pastors can't do everything. They need helpers. They need people to do different things so they have the time to discern and do the really important things when they come along. There is no fear in love, because perfect love casts out fear. Everyone knows this scripture, because fear hath torment and he that fears is not made perfect. I John 4:18

Fear is something we use to preserve and protect, but if we don't take the time, as I already said, to discern something as a threat, we may miss a blessing from God.

Fear of the different and the unknown is one of the most powerful suppressants of the Holy Spirit: fear of being ridiculed, fear of being rejected, fear of failure, fear of loss. There are so many different things that Satan succeeds and causes us to be afraid of. How careful we have to be to not let that happen. So, you know, "I won't speak in tongues because there are some people, well, they just don't believe it that, and I'm just not gonna, you know, ruffle the waters." That's sad.

The gifts that come with the manifestation of tongues are vital to the body. Strike for Satan. He just disarmed a soul that could be used in the Lord's army, in one area at least. According to Mark 9, it says, Whoever is not against us is for us. Well, teacher, said John, we saw a man drive out demons in your name and told him to stop because he's not one of us. Do not stop him, Jesus said. No one who does a miracle in My Name can not in the next moment say anything bad about me. For whoever is not against us is for us. I tell you the truth. Anyone who gives a cup of water in My Name because you belong to Christ certainly will not lose this reward.

Guys, there are water bearers everywhere. There are people bringing a cool, refreshing cup: a word in season, a prayer in season. And because of fear, many times they're not paid attention to. They're overlooked. They're swept to the side. Oh, we don't know that person. We don't know where they're from. We don't know their family history. I mean, you know, they're not related to any of us. I mean, you know. Who knows? Maybe they're running from the law. I'm going to be serious about this, because it is important.

Fear of the unknown and why are we afraid of the unknown? Why do we allow it to control us? Because we don't want to make it an unknown. So, it remains an unknown and it remains in the 'fear' file cabinet. Oh, we don't know about that. And because we are so busy with other things, we don't take the time to find out. That's a shame.

I didn't know this man and I wanted to censor him. When Paul was converted, the work they had to do to get the other apostles to listen to him. They were still afraid that he was going to arrest him. Fear. Fear. Fear is no replacement for discernment. Throwing a name tag on something 'se you don't want to deal with the true nature that it is and sticking it off in a corner is no replacement for painstaking discernment and seeking God with your whole heart to find out: "Is this relevant to me or is this a gift from you, Lord, to me or to my body? Please, Lord, enlighten me on this."

Do we take the time to discern? I know I haven't. I've been guilty about brushing people aside. I mean, the Lord used Balaam's ass to talk. That ass had more sense than Balaam did. So if He can use Balaam's ass, why can't He use us? Why can't He use someone we don't recognize. Someone with a different cultural background, maybe, someone with a different economic background. Educational background? I mean, it's just like the world to pigeon-hole people according to those things.

And yet, what does the Lord say? The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the poor. We should be listening to the poor because they are simple. Their mind isn't cluttered with all these things - all these games, these social games, all these things that people use to try to impress other people. Their mind isn't cluttered like that. Their mind is simple like a child. And unless we become like little children, how can we enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

So, fear of listening to people from another economic strata, fear of listening to people without an education, without seminary training, without college training in degrees in religion. So, we become afraid. And we don't recognize the Lord's golden vessels sometimes because we are too busy trying to size them up: "Well, they belong to my culture. I don't where they came from, I don't know their background. Well, they didn't do this school or that school or that seminary or they didn't do this or didn't do that." So, you know... I don't know? (hands raised) You know?

I just, you know, status quo, things are good just the way they are. Let it go. Fear's is no replacement for discernment and the Lord will hold us accountable. I mean, He will say, "Why didn't you listen?" You know, I read from a beautiful testimony today. She wanted so badly to reach a woman who was from a royal family in Europe and she just couldn't make herself to do it. A simple woman, she was a very simple woman, spirit-filled, full of knowledge, full of wisdom, full of understanding, not literate in the sense of a person from royalty that had gone to universities. And you know, it could very have been that that woman's salvation hung on the ability to communicate with her. But fear prevented her from speaking to that woman.

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