Counselling with a Holistic Approach (BISA Networking Online)

2 years ago

BISA Kopi Darat (ONLINE event), a regular business networking platform in Singapore since Singapore back to phase-2 from 16 May - now so it will be limited phisycal meeting.

"BISA Online Kopi Darat" is a casual and open online business networking event in Singapore, the aim is to "support each other", "build collaboration", "gotong royong" - Indonesian term for the spirit of entrepreneurship.

Topic: BISA Online - Ana Jeremiah
Time: Jul 2 at 4 - 5 PM SGT
Speaker: Ana Jeremiah

Who should attend?
1. Entrepreneurs
2. Business Owners
3. Proffesional
4. Investors
5. Company Director
6. Students
7. Social Enterprise
8. Local
9. Foreigner
10. Immigrant

Salam BISA

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