Shhh! It's a Secret. How to be a Secret Messenger

3 years ago

In this video, former teacher & best-selling author, Peggy D Sideratos, shares a fun activity for kids called, "How to be a Secret Messenger," from her book, The Light Giver Stories Workbook. She teaches children how they can lift their own spirits when they are feeling sad or low, by leaving anonymous messages offering encouragement, or uplifting/complimentary messages for others. Visit her website, to get more information about her books and to get 2 FREE sample children's stories and lessons. The Light Giver & Other Stories to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children & The Light Giver Stories Workbook are a collection of 22 children's stories and lessons that reinforce good character & teach kids ways to handle negative emotions. Both books are available at Amazon: Peggy has a BA & MS in Elementary Education and has over 14 years of experience in the classroom. She has also studied Social Emotional Learning & Character Development at Rutgers University

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