Best Of Season 2 Part 1

3 years ago

We have had a blast on Super Cool Radio! This is the half way point in our season. Here is a look back at some of our favorite moments since January. The full videos are available on YouTube and Rumble. Thank you for the support and we have some great things line up for the second half of season 2! Make sure to tune in!
Featuring Ally Venable Band, Carli Foxx of The Rumours, Marty McCoy of The Lonely Ones, Christina Chriss of Kaleido, Lines Of Loyalty, White Fuzzy Bloodbath, John Merchant of Ghosts of Sunset, REALITY SUITE, Autumn Academy, The Almas, KRASHKARMA, Mud Creek, and the owner Of Revolution Championship Wrestling Mr. Brutus Dylan
Intro music: A Dramatic Twist from

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