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The Age Old Art Of Fakenews

3 years ago

That age old art of propaganda doesn't change its tune. I have been contemplating how I can place this new filter I possess at understanding how memory holes and disinfo are created, thanks to the recent years I am now an expert on the topic! I can smell BS from a mile away. And I am getting a funny feeling much of the old Enki stories we have are again, just some more ancient fakenews.... I discuss.

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FAKEbook: Grace Hope and Starfire Tor
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Operation Warriors Of Light
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Much gratitude to those who support, it means a lot and it helps truth move. xxx

Don't wait a moment longer, you deserve healing. Book your one on one healing sessions with me via my Calendly page and don't look back. I offer deep transformational healing, personal coaching and intuitive tarot. The healing I offer works on the Quantum level of your being and offers trickle down physical improvements. I reconnect the pathways in the body so each part can communicate clearly once again. This is called 'BodyTalk'. We work together in a very noninvasive way to reset and reboot any system that needs it. Gently clearing out old belief systems, old trauma, PTSD, negative cycles, DNA/RNA damage, toxins, emotional blockages and stagnant fields. I work on meridians, chakras, the nervous system, the emotional body, every cell and system in the 4 layers of your being: Supramental, Mental, Vital, Physical.

To try BodyTalk, is to love BodyTalk.

TO BOOK GO HERE: https://calendly.com/iampigtails
email: iampigtails@gmail.com.
Same email to collaborate xxx


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