Something is Rotten in Albert Lea!

3 years ago

In Shakespeare's "Hamlet" the character Marcellus says, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark..."
This oft quoted phrase, as you see in the title above, is not about actual odiferous insult, instead, it is Shakespeare's way of providing commentary about the state of the political/ruling class that make the backdrop for all of Hamlet's travails...
The king and all his lackeys are corrupted and they are ruining the nation of Denmark...
I could have as easily called this video "Something is rotten in Marxisota" and just been done with it...
But, as always, my goal is not merely to talk about the nature of corruption at the state level, I want to make it local, at the grassroots level...
Something stinks in Albert Lea, and I am hoping that the We The People, will soon wake up to the rotting fishy smell that has permeated their city leadership, appointed and elected servants, and start to take action...
How long will you sit by while they continue to their attack on Lisa Hanson and give tax breaks to corporations...?
You have to recognize that if they can do this to a solid and altogether law abiding citizen, outside of the now defunct emergency power's executive order, they can trump p whatever accusations against you that they want to take your property and your wealth away from...
It is time for you, the local citizenry of Albert Lea to rise up and demand accountability of the elected and appointed servants and to back a fellow citizen who has risked it all for the cause of Liberty and Freedom in your city...
And yes Albert Leans, it is your city, and those who you voted for are your servants, remind them of that!
Come to Lisa's side and defend her!
You should be outraged!
“True patriotism is not blindly following all people who claim to be your societal superiors or commanders. True Patriotism means asking hard questions and saying hard things when everything from your comfort to your wellbeing are at stake.
I would rather run afoul of some petty tyrant trying to silence me than to compromise my values. If this cuts you as you watch, and your first response is to get angry at me and want to come at me, then the comment is directed at you.
Sic Semper Tyrannis!”
Twitter: @roberegiment or MNBlackRobeRegiment
YouTube: MinnesotaBlackRobeRegiment

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