Correcting Core Nutritional Imbalance

2 years ago

Join Naturopath Dr. Nelson Bulmash as he interviews Master Herbalist and Clinical Nutritionist, Sarah Outlaw.

Sarah Outlaw, MH, MSACN is the Owner, Lead Practitioner & Director of Natural Health Improvement Centres of South Jersey & Des Moines.

She holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Clinical Nutrition from New York Chiropractic College and has earned professional certificates as a Health Coach, Clinical Herbalist, and Advanced Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner. She is the author and publisher of the Real Life Outlaw blog, where she writes about real food, natural living, and holistic health. She is a renowned speaker nationwide and teaches on a variety of health topics.

Sarah is the “real deal”! She has been helping people on their natural health journeys with great results for over 17 years. She uses a specialized, non-invasive method of muscle testing that she used to launch her nutrition practice in 2014 to design individualized clinical nutrition programs to achieve optimal results with their clients. Her background in clinical, herbal medicine, homeopathy, and clinical nutrition gives her an edge in the holistic health arena to be able to help her clients efficiently.

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