Lawful v. Legal Standing and Our Constitutions June 29, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Lawful v. Legal Standing and Our Constitutions June 29, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Standing, like jurisdiction, speaks to your ability and right to act. A court must prove its jurisdiction, that is, its authority and right to speak to an issue brought before it, and a litigant must prove their standing --- their right to address an issue.
In its simplest terms, you have to have a dog in the fight to have standing. You have to have a right before you can defend one. You have to have been injured before you can seek damages. You have to be a party to a contract before you can enforce one. Otherwise, you lack standing.
In the most potent case we have before us, people have been denied standing to enforce their lawful constitutional guarantees, because without their knowledge, their political status has been altered.
You must have and must preserve your lawful standing as an American claiming your birthright political status--or, you are not a party to the Constitutions. You then have no standing to enforce them.
If you adopt any other political status, you lose your lawful standing and accept merely legal standing instead. This inferior standing subjects you to foreign laws and courts, and leaves you with no constitutional guarantees.
And it's totally up to you, how you live your life, and whether you claim your constitutional guarantees or not.
The undisclosed registration of Americans as British Territorial Citizens and as Municipal citizens of the United States has been very profitable for a lot of people, and they don't want to give up their gravy train.
But every gain for them is a loss for you, so as an American, you have equal and opposite motivations to correct their false registration process.
This situation has led us to develop paperwork which serves to record your actual political status in the international public domain. There are presently three ways to protect your lawful standing and your constitutional guarantees.
If you can find a State-of-State Recording Office that is still open and functioning and willing to record your status change paperwork, you can do it through them, in which case they are responsible for maintaining the public record.
If you record your claim with the Land Recording System, (LRS) your claim will be part of an international block chain, and will be preserved in that way.
If you record your claim with the Land Recording Office (LRO) you claim will be part of your State Assembly records.
All three of these options produce an international public record of your political status choice, and establish your lawful standing as an American --- which in turn enables you to stand under the Public Law of this country and enforce your constitutional guarantees.
Some people want to create a big controversy about the existence of these three different ways of creating a viable public international record, and others want to claim that if you don't have every little thing exactly right--- color of ink, style of signature, etc., your efforts will be useless.
The Truth is that any of the three recording methods will work, and no, it's your clearly expressed intention that is the determining factor regardless of details---and, finally, it's your own determination to invoke your correct standing.

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