1959 Kuhns Family Christmas Potpourri

2 years ago

This is the first capture of a 5" reel that Dad spliced together.

1. Making Christmas cookies with Aunt Gladys.
2. Grandma Kuhns family Christmas dinner and party at the Grange Hall.
3. Christmas tradition making Christmas hard tack candy.
4. Eugene and Joyce decorating the Christmas tree. Afterwards, one of our favorite kittens playing with the tree ornaments. He was special to all of us. Delivering papers for my brother one day, I heard some meowing and stopped to see where it was coming from. I found him stuck in a snow bank along the side of the road, and his body was starting to freeze solid. I took him home, and we placed him in front of a heater vent wrapped in a towel. I went to a basketball game that night, and when I got home around 9:30-10:00, he was drinking milk and starting to play. A true miracle !!
5. Joyce & Larry bringing gifts from upstairs. Watch closely how I had to duck my head to avoid the overhang. People learned quickly that you duck when going up and down those stairs or have a severe headache. Lesson learned the hard way, you should only buy small gifts :)
6. The kitten playing with the wrapping paper after the gifts were un-wrapped.
7. Dad tying to type. He wasn't even a master of the one finger method :)
8. Joyce teaching the kitten the bad habit of getting on the table. Mom and Eugene preparing Christmas dinner.
9. One of my cousins bouncing on his rocking horse with a little encouragement from Eugene. Neither Joyce or I could identify who it is.
10. Joyce purchased a beautiful blue gown for a 1960 New Year's eve dance at Idora Park Ballroom with Donnie. She said she paid way to much for the gown, especially after someone spilled a drink down the front of her.

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