Democrats Push Tax Increases, Defund ICE and Border Patrol Funds | Schaftlein Report

2 years ago

Democrats Push Tax Increases, Defund ICE and Border Patrol Funds | Schaftlein Report
Guest: Floyd Brown – CEO of Liftable Media ( ), Founder of the Western Journal ( ), and Conservative Broadcast Media & Journalism Board Member
1) CDC: "Vaccinated people are safe from the Delta Variant and there is no need for masking" – This contrasts many who are calling for more masking as a means of control
2) Trump at the border lambasting Biden's Open Border Policy – “I build the wall and Biden build a human catastrophe"
3) Inflation heats up more – Gas prices highest in 7 years, food prices also spiking
4) Payrolls up 692K in June according to ADP – Good number but below May's 886K jobs
*There are still approximately 9M job openings in the USA
*21 states have ended the additional $300 per week unemployment benefits
*In Blue states, the extra $300 per week equates to $18 per hour NOT to work
5) NYC Rank Choice voting Disaster! 135K Test ballots counted – Why can't Democrats count votes correctly?
6) Trump: "Herschel Walker will run for GA Senate"
7) An absurd lawsuit – BLM sues Santa Monica blaming the police for their RIOT and Looting last year, saying arrests were not justified – BLM is a Marxist fraudulent organization
8) Minneapolis Protesters hold City Counsel VP Hostage by blocking vehicle – Demanding Riot Charges be dropped
9) Rep. Omar again blame the U.S. and Israel for conducting "Unthinkable Atrocities" – She needs to be removed from Congress
*Pelosi will not even Censure her
10) Remembering Donald Rumsfeld, Former Defense Secretary
11) Bill Cosby’s verdict overturned – released from prison
12) Tucker Carlson and the NSA

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