#109 - Attributes of God - Impeccability - 86 Seconds Video Devotional - Gary Wilkerson

2 years ago

Impeccability, when's the last time somebody called you impeccable? The work you've done is impeccable. A teacher might have said, "That's an impeccable job you've done on that." Or an artist might say, "It's an impeccable piece of artwork." But it's really not; it's full of imperfections. It's not quite up to the highest standards possible.

There's only one thing that is fully impeccable and that is God. He is without fault, he's without error. He's without anything being wrong. Peccable means that something's wrong, something's missing, something's amiss; 'a' means, it's not nothing is of 'miss' to God. He is perfect in all of his ways. He is pure in all of his ways. There is no other entity in all of creation, in all of the universe, in all of existence, that could say the same thing that it can only be said about God.

That's why we can't have any other idols before God, because we would be lowering our standards and God wants us to live up to the highest good that he has for us. The highest good is to worship him and to know that he's impeccable. The good news is that a son, Christ Jesus, came to Earth as a man and even in his human form he was impeccable as well. He is without sin. He who knew no sin became sin for us.

It was the impeccability of God in Christ Jesus that allowed him to be the lamb that was perfect. The pure lamb, the spotless lamb, the one who could pay the price because he had no sin himself. All of this is part of the glorious splendor of the impeccability of God, something worth you knowing. I encourage you to study more about this important subject.

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