Lessons from New Husbands and Fathers | Glad Trads on Traditional Masculinity

2 years ago

The Glad Trads are on with us to talk about marriage and family. What is traditional catholic masculinity? What is marriage supposed to be like?
The pitfalls of the anti-marriage movement

Check out some of their episodes that we mention in the interview. Be sure to tell them we sent you!

Marriage. Bad.
Rudy and Jordan examine a MGTOW meme highlighting the futility of marriage, and reflect on the reclaiming marriage as a sacramental covenant in a post-sexual devolution culture. Plus, a wife for the rest of your life ain't a bad gig!

Marriage, Intimacy, and Discernment | Trad Chat #3
We're back after Jordan's wedding and honeymoon! In light of nuptial bliss, let's discuss the wonders of wedlock, and the importance of in-depth precana and the beauty of Catholic intimacy.

My Last Video Before Marriage
Some quick thoughts and advice from the Bible before I get married on June 5th. Please pray for my wife and I as we begin our life together. No longer two - but now we shall be one flesh.

On the Role of A Husband and Father & Special Announcement!
Rudy discusses what the role a husband and father is in the context of Holy Matrimony.

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