Power BI Template App - Salesforce Dash

3 years ago

STEP by STEP: https://www.freshbi.com/blogs/salesforcetemplateapp

If you use Salesforce and your organization is data savvy then this Power BI Template App is for you.

The purpose of the Power BI Template App is to aid your business decisions around your Sales Pipeline. It does this through displaying your Sales Pipeline in various visual ways.


Total Pipeline in $
Total Amount that has hit our Pipeline over the past 6 months
Win Rate of all activity to-date
Total # of deals closed over the past 6 months
Expected Sales (Entire Pipeline x Probability of Close for each deal)

Pipeline By Stage:

Visualize your entire Pipeline in the order of the value attributed to each stage of the sale.

6 Month Pipeline on the Closing Month, segmented by Stage:

See your predicted close dates for all deals, segmented by their current stage of the sale.


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