About Public-Private Bonds June 27, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

2 years ago

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About Public-Private Bonds June 27, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

The following missive was sent out this morning in an effort to put a stop to assumptions that people have had to the effect that they will all be receiving and have control of "billions" of dollars simply because there are public trusts being held in their private names. This is not the case.
People need to realize that the gains from this present system of things have all been ill-gotten gains that employed criminal means to extract and deploy these assets. What we, Americans, are all owed, immediately, is release from debt and any presumption of debt. This is our private relief.
What we are owed in the longer term is settlement of the public asset recoupment --- the return of our property and settlement regarding the ill-gotten gains obtained from it. This is our public relief.
So please read this with a better understanding of how this dissolution of illegal public trust interests has to be handled on a step-by-step basis and why.
Please note--- when I am told that I approved something that I am unfamiliar with, I am bound to be concerned, especially when the topic (bonds) is something that I know to be a fecund source of legal actions and imprisonments and garnishments.
Our purpose, as a government, is to protect our people and their assets ---- and a great many people think that bonds are valuable without realizing the servitude that bonds represent. They also imagine that credit is the same as money, when it's not.
How then, do we propose to address the extremely complex issues being presented by these public-private labor bond issues (issued in our names), compounded by the use of a fiat monetary system, when people don't even know what money is, what a bond is, what a public interest is, and so on and on?
I trust that we all know that the present interest in "bonds" generally is being fueled by an innocent self-interest and assumption that we own these bonds and can cash them out safely like matured savings bonds. That is not the case.
These are complex international bonds that are, strictly speaking, illegal instruments. Securitization of living flesh, identity theft, and impersonation, followed by barratry and various kinds of insurance fraud are all crimes---- and one must be very careful and astute when establishing and exercising liens against ill-gotten gains.
Those who are issuing bonds in our names are ultimately responsible, not us, so it is the relief from debt that we are owed, not the proceeds or profits from an illegal act---- which is an entirely separate issue, and that is one of the biggest conundrums that we face as we are trying to unravel this.
That is why the Vendor Cards which release people from debt are the first things to be pursued in terms of bringing relief, not a settlement of the bonds per se. And that is, generally speaking, why I don't teach much about bonds. It's a very sticky wicket for people to navigate individually and for their own sake and safety, I advise them not to try.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/06/about-public-private-bonds.html

Download and print http://annavonreitz.com/publicprivatebonds.pdf

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