Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice-Blood Money 27-June 26 2021 By AnnaVonReitz

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Additional Issues for The Court of International Justice -- Blood Money 27 -- The Sanctity of Life June 26, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

It is indeed ironic that the head of the Roman Catholic Church, long the bastion of resistance to abortion and other life-denying and murderous practices, should be the ultimate owner and operator of the corporations engaged in the current worldwide genocide.
Those responsible attempt to condone this situation and this obvious conflict between doctrine and action, a hypocrisy beyond words, via the simple artifice of operating a Sacred Office and a Secular Office under one roof.
For centuries this was accomplished by having the Pope operate in the Sacred Office, and having the same man operate as the Roman Pontiff in the Secular Office. As of 2008, examination of this situation revealed that no man can serve two masters, and the decision was made to liquidate the Office of the Roman Pontiff and the underlying Roman Pontifex Trust as of 2011.
Wonderful, we all said, with a sigh of relief. Now, maybe the Church could get back to being a Church and the City of Rome and its sleazier adherents could slink off into the darkness where they belong.
No such luck. Instead, the separate offices were simply redefined a bit and shuffled around, and the duties split between two men, with the Pope Emeritus retaining the Ministerial Sacred Office, and a loyal Jesuit, obligated to obey the Pope in all things, tasked with all the nasty business and material affairs --- the de facto office of the Roman Pontiff was passed on to Pope Francis.
Anyone familiar with the operations of the Roman Church was alarmed and not deceived by this shuffle dance. Oh, yes, they seemed to say. We got caught. So what? We'll throw some dust and incense and a little smoke in the air and continue on.
We'll use an innocent young woman from Chicago with the last name of Urban, and an "open assignment" to transfer the assets of the Pontifex Trust to JP Morgan, and use the proceeds to bulwark our favorite banks all over the world.
We will pat the confused heir of the City of Rome (Urban) Trust on the head, without ever allowing her to read the Trust Indenture, and send her home to poverty and obscurity, while we skate on with our double-dealing and our chicanery unobserved and, apparently, accepted by the world.
Only it was observed and it wasn't accepted without objection. We objected and we published our objection. Flat out, in public, for all the world to see.
Either our young American wasn't a valid heir of the Roman Trust, or she was; and obviously, they agreed that she was, because they accepted her signature as their authority for the transfer of funds. They failed their due diligence and responsibility to fully disclose to an American standing on the land and soil of Texas. They pretended, knowingly, that she was a Municipal citizen of the United States, instead, and deprived her of her birthright in all respects.
And they benefited themselves and JP Morgan and BNP Paribas and Banco de Brazil, and so many other players without a backward glance, thinking that their deceit was sufficient to wash their hands and claim that they'd cleaned up their act ---- when they hadn't.

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