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Daze & Decay

3 years ago

[Audio Podcast Version: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/factionsoffreedom/2021/06/29/daze-decay]

Law Enforcement Guide to Satanic Cults (1990): [https://odysee.com/@QuantumRhino:9/Law-Enforcement-Guide-to-Satanic-Cults-(1994):4]

At the end of June, half way through 2021, we can safely say that the cure is worse than the disease. The world, gripped by madness and driven deranged by the disinformation, is being engulfed in a monstrous and malevolent experiment the likes we've never seen. With a fair amount of our existing institutions being compromised by globalist forces, the script has been flipped, and now obedience to tyranny is required.

On air, I had the revelation that the Nazi's pioneered behavior modification techniques with things like MK Ultra, only for us to extend the same type of control to an even deeper level; Mind control, social engineering and behavior modification all take a back seat to biohacking. Indeed, that's where we've found ourselves halfway through 2021; our biology being manipulated by pharmaceutical companies and overseen by governments.

You see, Event 201 was much more diabolical than any one of us could have ever imagined, because it doesn't stop there. It was never about the virus, nor was it about protecting the populations immune system. In fact, it was about the very opposite, lowering the populations immune system to foster dependence on a dying system. This harsh reality, among many others, are the cold hard facts we must deal with. This is not an entry-level show.

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