Larry Tracy 6292021

2 years ago

In “Bring Home the Bacon” you’ll learn Larry Tracy’s S3P3 System for delivering persuasive presentations that resulted in President Ronald Reagan calling him “An extraordinarily effective speaker.” This easily-learned method can be used in any speaking situation.

The book flows from Larry’s “been there, done that” experience in high-pressure speaking situations. He is a retired Army colonel who served as Senior Intelligence Briefer to the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff (CJCS) in various crises during the Cold War.

The White House later detailed him to the State Department to debate controversial issues before demanding audiences throughout the country.

He’s been cited as one of the top speech coaches in the US in the books Information Please Business Almanac and Sourcebook, Best of the Best, and What to Say When You’re Dying on the Platform.

In Bring Home the Bacon, you’ll learn to
• Make “fear of public speaking” your ally by using it to generate enthusiasm
• Draft your presentation backwards to develop coherence and focus
• Gain from your mistakes with a practice method similar to a “flight simulator”
• Acquire “intelligence” on the problems of audience members so you can solve them
• Use non-verbals-body language and voice-to reinforce your message
• Employ “Shortcuts to Eloquence” to make you appear to be an experienced speaker
• Answer questions in such a way that you increase your credibility with the audience
• Avoid “Death by PowerPoint” while using the program to enhance your presentation

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