People of Purpose Saturday June 26, 2021 Uniting Event - Excerpt

3 years ago

Uniting our Central Coast by introducing local working groups and passionate people that are Constitutional Revolutionaries - Activists!

Join us and be apart of the next wave in securing our future for ourselves, our children and our children's families. Together we can do this. Roll up your sleeves and use your talents to heal our businesses and our families.

This video was filmed and edited by just one Constitutional Revolutionary volunteer. What skills do you have and how can you help? Contact myself ( our Volunteer Services Director at

We are training and implementing programs to support volunteers, activists and candidates for the Recall and 2022 elections in SLOCounty.

Filmed to share with our members: Paid for by the Republican Party of San Luis Obispo County FPPC ID number: 841621 and FEC Federal ID number: C00263053

GoTo🌟 to see when their full event video is posted.

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