WorldWTF - Masked H.A. (Hidden Agenda) p01

3 years ago

<> WorldWTF - Masked H.A. (Hidden Agenda) p01 <>

This is was made to try and help people to wake up to what is really going on concerning the ‘mask’ situation and the indoctrination (hint - WWII) we are being put though. Hopefully the -RED PILL- information here will be helpful. The lies behind this whole situation go much deeper than the current pay-op ‘they’ are putting us through. I can dive deeming ingot he TRUE meaning of why ‘they’ want us wearing masks (endlessly), but that would be another video or series of videos - all depending on how much of a DEEP DIVE you want to take. But for now, with this video we will just cover the basics (what is on the surface).
I am here to share and show truth, not what is fake and lies. But there was some much info and things packed into this, there really is too much info to put into this video, so this is the bare basics with DEEPER DIVES required.
We are all here to share and tell the truth, even if it is hidden or not accepted by you at this time - it will all come out soon enough, shocking many... If any of my info is wrong (and eventually there will be a issue), please let me know with CONSTRUCTIONAL CRITICISM. We are all truth seekers (hopefully), we are here to tell and share the truth - even if it is not accepted by those who are blind and still are sheep and still asleep.
Any trolls, or negative comments and or responses will be ignored and removed - especially with the current cancel culture that is going on bringing me here for certain videos I make - it is time to cancel the cancel culture. I will cancel / remove you if you are not respectful.
Please support me at > < so I can keep making videos like this, they do take a lot of work and time with all I have put into them. But this is something I truly enjoy doing, making videos about the truth and visual story telling.
> <

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