Democrats now deny they wanted to Defund the Police

3 years ago

Democrats are trying to suggest their " infrastructure " bill MAY HAVE had funds that cities MAY HAVE used to fight crime by funding for more Police.
THEREFORE, According to the far left rhetoric, it's Republicans fault that the police have been defunded. It's the Republicans who are DEFUNDING the Police NOT the Democrats that have supported, apparently funded the protesters bail, raised bail and refused to charge rioters. The police were attacked by violent thugs. Some were Blinded, Crippled, Maimed, Hospitalised and KILLED. According to Democrats and their far left MSM - The violence is the fault of the POLICE - NOT THE RIOTERS. DEFUNDING the Police has been a slogan the left have been repeating for a year. Only now with crime OBVIOUSLY out of control and the taxpayer, voting, HONEST, LAW ABIDING Citizens have said ENOUGH
NOW the Democrats have decided to listen and need to place the blame elsewhere. Democrats are very good at diverting attention away from the real problems

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