Graphene Oxide Linked to Covid-19 & Other Anomalies

3 years ago

Spanish language video (featuring English subtitles) originally posted to the blog/website.

Full disclaimer: My interest in the content of this video relates largely to an essential element of my work as a holistic nutritional/wellness consultant, healing aide, and advocate for health freedom under Natural Law.

I feel that this detailed presentation which identifies a link between Graphene Oxide and Covid-19 (as well as further linkage between related pharmaceutical products such as injections, masks, etc.) provides reasonable explanation as to why the FDA has just moved to ban N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) for use as a non-prescription supplement.

NAC is a powerful detoxification regulator and glutathione precursor.
Graphene Oxide (which has been found in masks, C19 “testing” swabs, jabs, etc.) apparently breaks down and depletes the body's natural glutathione reserves.

At this point it seems notable to mention the fact that many people are unable to produce adequate amounts of glutathione. As such, deficiencies are commonly found in individuals who are less active, as wel as those considered to have reached "middle age" in modern (typically Western) society. As such, NAC has proven over time to be an incredibly reliable assistant to many who have found themselves in need of a boost in their glutathione production. Thus, requiring a "prescription" to buy this rather essential amino acid will most likely afford far more control (and financial dividends) to the pharmaceutical industry in the long game––and also cause harm to those prefer to avoid dealing with medical professionals (and their pharmaceutical bedfellows).

The topic of NAC is addressed toward the second half of this video, in addition to several other essential points of interest. Another key detail (discussed further on) is how 5G activation may affect those who have been contaminated with Graphene Oxide.
This may also explain the magnetic phenomenon which has been occurring since the mass rollout of injections began earlier this year…

In closing, I shall simply leave a couple of questions as to why anyone would choose make moves to ban something which has proven itself over time to cause more positive than negative effects:
- Could it be that use of NAC is being restricted by these government agencies in order to help their Big Pharma bedfellows in some effort to increase profit over time?
- Can use of NAC help the body to regulate its own detoxification process to a degree which could potentially render certain contaminants (such as Graphene Oxide) virtually harmless?

Please be sure to check out the links below for related information and insights.

Original Spanish language video (without subtitles) found here:

Additional links:

UK Medical Doctor speaks on experimental "vaccines" and genocide -


Benefits of NAC -

U.S. FDA moving to ban critical toxin protection supplement -

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