The Barnevernet Scandal The Tragedy of Overcontrolling States

3 years ago

BBC Video:

One of the big nightmares that many foreigners who have children, or even Norwegians, is the Barnevernet, the guardianship council, or Child Protective Services. Child Protective Services, as you know, is a state assistance network that aims to protect critically ill minors. Parents addicted to drugs, parents who abuse children, parents who abandon and do not take care of children, anyway, very sad situations that everyone considers absurd. Most parents typically want the best for their children. The vast majority of the parents wants a comfortable life for their children, but, it is a fact, there are sometimes absurd cases. In theory, the Child Protective Services there works the same way as it does here. If someone makes a report of child abuse, sometimes at school, sometimes neighbors, the council will initiate an investigation, appoint a psychologist or social worker to visit the family and, if it proves the child has been abused, it can withdraw the child of the house and take to a foster home. This can be a temporary or even definitive measure.

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