Hate Speech Laws In NZ

3 years ago

From the moment JaChina was internationally elected to run NZ in her first term, a false flag incident was rolled out so she could confiscate the Guns.
In her second term of the same year of the Fauci19 break out in 2020, the year of the dominion voting machines rigging of international elections circus show, JaChina, during the early part of the break out introduce a law overnight for late term abortions, with no anaesthetic easing of a living child under the butchers knife for harvesting, rendering New Zealand the murder capital of living babies in the South Pacific - how do you like that?
When you weigh up every new policy Ardern introduced in the middle of the night, during her tenure as wannabe PM, including the muzzles of her distractor with a recent revamping of the Hate Speech laws in New Zealand [New Aotea-land to some], it becomes painfully obvious that JaChina Ardern works for her masters from abroad, the CCP and not for the people of New Zealand<-- The only name this country will ever be recognised as - PERIOD By the power invested in me and the internal light, A M E N !

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