Biden Senile Commie - End Equalization

3 years ago

Joe Biden’s Coming Out Party as a Full-Blown Marxist

Normally we should hear a glorifying 100-Day Speech from the President of the United States outlining his 100-Day accomplishments, painting a rosy economic future for the working class, and taking credit for promises made and accomplished. But this speech was boring ramblings. It was a first-class fiasco, an extremist coming out party revealing Joe Biden’s new role as a puppet of the far left-wing Progressive party, solidifying, they hope, their grip on our Federal government. But, looking deeper into what Joe read, because Joe doesn’t really know what he’s reading, one must realize the hand of Joe’s real Puppet Master is China’s Chairman Xi Jinping.

Joe Biden sold his office to communist China for cash

Hunter Biden associate Tony Bobulinski spilled all about his past meetings with Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, whom Bobulinski says knew full well what his son Hunter and other family members were up to in their dealings with China and other foreign entities.

Perhaps the biggest lie told by Joe throughout this saga is that he supposedly had no clue about anything Hunter was doing overseas, when Joe appears to have been part and parcel of these operations every step of the way.

How is the Porn Industry Worth Billions of Dollars?

It’s often said that porn is a, “$[Insert random digit here] billion industry.”

A recent article published by business news site, Quartz, tends to agree. The article places the industry’s value at anywhere between $6 billion and $97 billion, with the more realistic estimates ranging from $6 billion to $15 billion.

BIG TECH CENSORS: Social media continues to gag conservative voices

Another onslaught of censorship disrupted the internet when YouTube nixed thousands of videos under the pretense it was removing hate speech such as neo-Nazism and white supremacy.

Caught in the mid-June speech crackdown was right-wing journalism outfit Project Veritas and one of its YouTube videos.

Twitter faces $250 million lawsuit over allegations it 'shadow bans' conservatives

FASCISM IN ACTION: Here is the Tech Giant Purge List of Prominent Conservative Websites

Tech Giants Google and Facebook are currently purging conservative content from Facebook and YouTube — They are hiding conservative stories on Google — They are shadow-banning conservative news on all social media.

Alberta to hold referendum on equalization payments, Premier Kenney says

Albertans will vote in a referendum next year on removing equalization from the Constitution, which Premier Jason Kenney says will give the province leverage as it seeks a new relationship with Ottawa.

The referendum is a key recommendation in a report released by Mr. Kenney’s “Fair Deal” panel, which was struck last year to examine a list of potential changes designed to address the province’s grievances.

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