Galatians 4 1-12 Elementary Principles

3 years ago

God's Little Heirs and Heiresses

See, Paul's point (and he totally has one) is that we're all kind of like kids who are about to inherit a fortune. Hear him out.
Basically, Daddy Warbucks has left us a pile of money and a slew of European hotels, but until we turn 18, we can't get our hands on any of it.
Same thing with God. He promised that we'd be redeemed if we believed in him, but we couldn't actually do it until Jesus came to Earth.
Now we can claim our birthright as children of God. And start playing the stock market, too.
Now that the Galatians know God so intimately and have been adopted as his super special children, why would they want to go back to those dark days being forced to obey the law?
Paul is worried that the Galatians just aren't getting it. They're spending a lot of time fussing over which Jewish holidays to celebrate instead of just living for Jesus like they're supposed to.
Look, Paul knows that the Galatians have good hearts.
When he first came to see them, he was pretty darn sick. But they didn't hate on him because of it. They welcomed him and accepted what he had to say.
So what happened to those good times, Galatians? Paul remembers when these guys would have given him the shirts off their backs or the eyes out of their eye sockets. Um, gross.
Now they think he's just a big liar?
The Galatians are like Paul's kids. In fact, right now he's like a mom going through labor pains with them. And you know birthing a whole community of Christians is no picnic.

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