10 Facts That May Shock You Into Being Vegetarian

2 years ago

Video edited by Alltime10s - https://www.youtube.com/user/alltime10s
Information on being Vegan or Vegetarian https://www.happycow.net/vegtopics/becoming-vegetarian ...There are vegetarians and there are vegans ...A vegetarian diet consists of mostly plant-based foods and no animal flesh. Some vegetarians consume eggs and/or dairy while others do not. A vegan diet, the most strict form of vegetarian, eliminates all animal products and animal by products. But do not think that vegans are deprived. On the contrary, vegans have access to everything they want to eat, only their foods are made without animal products - from ice cream, cake, cookies, pastries and gravy to mock "meats" that taste so much like the real thing. While the vegan versions of favorite foods are just as delicious, if not more, they contain no cholesterol and almost no saturated fat or none at all! It's a win-win situation. If there are the same tasty food options available that involve no cruelty to animals, that are healthier, and the producing of them is gentle on the environment, why not choose the more healthy, beneficial choice?

There is a stereotype that vegetarians and vegans are "hippie wannabes", but consider that those very people who subscribe to such stereotype actually admire many vegans and vegetarians without even knowing it! You don't see Pamela Anderson, Brad Pitt, Christie Brinkley, Penelope Cruz, Josh Hartnett, Natalie Portman, Alicia Silverstone, and many celebrity vegetarians wearing hemp and tie-dye, brightly colored bandanas and flowers while shouting, "Free love!" and lighting up a joint. The reality is that many of today's top professionals, doctors, celebrities, along with revered minds of the past including Shakespeare, Leonardo Da Vinci, Ghandi, Buddha believed in eating plant-based diets that do not harm living creatures... even Albert Einstein and Jesus Christ. See list of HappyCow's list of famous vegetarians.
How does one get enough protein as a vegetarian?

The "but you need more protein" issue is a myth - it is a false argument. It is based on a far outdated experiment conducted in the early 1900s on rats. Many current medical studies are showing that too much protein, in fact, especially from animal protein, is the problem. Too much animal protein can impair the kidneys as well as leach calcium, zinc, B vitamins, iron and magnesium from our bodies. Studies have also correlated too much protein with osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, and obesity. We've all heard the saying, "Everything in moderation." The thing is, an overly excessive amount of protein in the human body is detrimental to health.

Although too much protein is bad, our body needs some amounts of it. Protein is deemed as "the building blocks of life," and everything has protein in it in varying amounts. A varying diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, beans, grains, and legumes provides more than adequate amounts of protein - only without the added cholesterol and saturated fats, antibiotics, chemicals, steroids, sulfuric substances, etc., found in animal sources.

The best way to eat, for me, is to consider which food will give me more nutrition per calorie, ie. the most nutritional bang for my caloric buck. This is one of the reasons I, along with vegetarians I know, stay trim and healthy. One hundred calories of cow meat is tiny, but one hundred calories of broccoli is a huge amount of broccoli. Besides, anything you think you might be getting from eating flesh meat is only "second-hand." Where does the cow get its protein? Like babies who feed on their mothers' milk, getting the nutrients from the milk that their mother already consumed, people who eat animals are only getting the nutrients, second-hand, that the animal already consumed. Personally, I'd rather get first-hand quality where my health is concerned. A good book that delves into thirty years of studies where animal protein is concerned (including milk) is The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD.

Music: Land of Giants by Dhruva Aliman
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