The Whole World Is Watching We The Fearless People! With God’s Help We Are The Cure!

3 years ago

This is the time to be fearless! We have the whole world watching! We need to take advantage of the window of opportunity! The door has been opened up to us.

This evil plan will fail even though many people have died and continue to die or be devastated. We the people will unite like never before to create a better world.

God is moving we the people into action, we must just be faithful to God and the victory and red sea moment in our days will be realized and will manifest into the natural!

The hidden enemies are exposed and we the people are the cure because we have prayed.

God Bless You As you are moved in a way like never before!

The MSM has proven to be a fraud with crimes against humanity! If you are subscribed to them you are supporting them! Shut them down and you will find it to be a blessing to you!

To interact with other patriots that are exploring truth come to my Telegram channel:

May God bless you as you think for yourself!

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I do have financial costs involved. Storage of great content is not free. Chlorine Dioxide is cheap to make, but is not free. Your support will be utilized in a way that is pleasing to God. I am not begging for money, because I know God will provide. If you give I believe you will be the one to receive a blessing from God.

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