Get involved Constitutionaly and save America

3 years ago

All Americans should be well versed in constitutional knowledge

Many of us have taken for granted the free country we live in, why it is free and what it is free from. A document sighed by Americas founding fathers in 1776 called the declaration of independence lays tell the story of our declaring sovereignty from the tyranny and monarchy of the worldly powers that be.

The Revolutionary war was a pivotal point in human freedom from these worldly powers, towards the pursuit of liberty and the unalienable individual rights given to us by God.

But the fight for freedom did not end with the sighing of the decoration of independence the crossing of the Delaware or raising of the 13 stars and stripes. No, the fight will always continue as long as man is on this earth, for freedom to live on threw the generations we must fight the internal fight of morality and not give in to a unmoral life for the constitution is and can only work for a moral and just people. Our forefathers blood was spilt and there lives where given across time and across the world to advance freedom and defend it, From the battle fields of Tennessee to Normandy beach. For the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots. If we may wish to avoid more blood spilt in this generation or the next then our duty is to upkeep Constitutional American values by sacrificing just a few moments of time and sweat. Those values are found when matters of American life are seen thru the lenses of our constitution and declaration of independence. This includes How we Vote, Vote thru the lens of the constitution not a divided party. Judge your vote for be it Mayor, Representative, Governor or President in this way and Freedom is most likely to prevail.

So that we may govern rather than be governed. This is the proclamation of the constitution and …its only keepers, The people.

– George Washington

“And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

-Thomas Jefferson Paris Nov. 13. 1787

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