Peacock Beauty ! ! !

3 years ago

Interesting facts about peacocks.
Peacocks are considered one of the most beautiful birds in the world due to their luxurious “tail” that spreads like a fan. True, such a catchy beauty is inherent only in males.
In fact, the peacocks' tail is very small and unremarkable. Feathers, forming a multi-colored "fan" behind them, grow above the tail.
Peacocks are close relatives of chickens (see interesting facts about chickens).
Peacocks are featured in many proverbs, idioms and works of art.
Peacock is one of the constellations in the Southern Hemisphere.
The common peacock is a national symbol of India and Iran, as in Hinduism this bird is revered as sacred.
Since 1956, the American television company NBC has used 4 versions of the image of a peacock as its logo.
In the Yezidi religion, the supreme archangel Malak Tavus is depicted as a peacock.
Peacocks live for about 20 years. Their beautiful feathers grow when the birds are 3 years old.
Each male peacock cohabits simultaneously with three females.
A fan of feathers helps males to attract representatives of the opposite sex - most birds use singing for this, but peacocks have a voice that is not at all pleasant.
The length of one peacock feather can reach 2 meters.
Peacocks need feathers not only to attract females, but also to scare off enemies - the predator sees many "eyes" that appear from nowhere, gets lost and retreats.
The peacock's "tail" also has a third purpose - birds communicate with it. Scientists have found that peacock feathers, when moving, transmit infrasound, which people cannot hear. Presumably, this is how birds warn each other about danger.
Peacocks fly well, despite their long bulky feathers, although they do it quite rarely.
Peacocks are very cautious birds, by their behavior you can learn about the approach of natural disasters, for example, a strong thunderstorm or hurricane (see interesting facts about hurricanes).
In the east, peacocks are considered a symbol of immortality and pride. In Russia, their image is more likely associated with immoderate pride and narcissism.
In some countries it is believed that keeping peacock feathers at home is a disaster.
Peacocks are able to delight not only the eye, but also the stomach - dishes made from their meat are considered delicacies in many world cuisines. The first Russian to taste this meat was Tsar Ivan the Terrible.
Tibetan monks believe that peacock meat improves tone and immunity, and also helps to cure eye diseases.
In the past, a fan of peacock feathers in ladies' hands meant belonging to the upper strata of society. The knights used feathers to decorate their helmets.
Tattoos depicting peacocks symbolize beauty, kindness and the desire for a bright, full of life events.
In southern countries, mating games of peacocks occur during the rainy season, so many locals believed that these birds were capable of calling for rain (see interesting facts about rain).
Peacocks are excellent hunters for young cobras, so in India they are often kept close to houses, despite the piercing cries of birds that interfere with sleep at night.
The body length of the peacock is 100-125 centimeters, however, taking into account the feathers of the upper tail, this figure triples.

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