Update 6/26/2021 R.I.P Victims Magneto Transfer of Nano Lipid Particulates

3 years ago

CDC: 6,113 DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections Including 576 Abortions – Population Control Agenda Hard to DenyThe CDC is now reporting that 6,113 people have died following COVID-19 injections, with their latest release of data today in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. Besides the 6,113 deaths reported, there are 5,172 permanent disabilities, 6,435 life threatening events, and 51,558 emergency room visits. To put this into some perspective, there have now been more deaths reported following COVID-19 injections that started in December of 2020, than there have been total deaths recorded following vaccinations in the previous 30 years, from January 1, 1991 through November 30, 2020, according to the CDC's VAERS. There have also now been 576 deaths of unborn children reported following COVID-19 shots, as the CDC continues to recommend that pregnant woman should get injected with these shots, that many dissenting medical doctors and scientists are now describing as "bioweapon" injections. Can there be any doubt any longer that the stated goals of the eugenicist Global leaders, such as Bill Gates, to reduce the world's population are now in full swing? White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Tuesday said the Biden Administration is partnering with the private sector to bribe children with Xboxes to get vaccinated. The WHO is now recommending not giving the experimental Covid vaccine to anyone under the age of 18. But the Biden Admin is bribing poor children at boys and girls clubs with video game consoles. Fauci is also creeping on kids on TikTok and Instagram to convince them to get the Covid vaccine. “We’re working with the private sector as well as you all know. Microsoft is giving away Xboxes at boys and girls clubs…Walgreens is giving out $25 to anyone who gets vaccinated there before July 4th." The Biden Admin is clearly targeting the poorer communities because middle class to upper middle class and wealthy households aren’t going to be swayed with a $25 gift card. We have imposed an experimental therapy on children for an illness to which they have essentially zero morbidity or mortality, have witnessed an explosion of disastrous health effects such as cardiac damage from this therapy, and are still proceeding with the vaccination march forward. Historically as evidenced by the rotavirus fiasco discussed earlier, just 8 cases of adverse health effects allowed an abrupt about face and halt of the usage of the vaccine. With the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine experiment, despite horrific consequences, there is an overt attack on children which can only be viewed as a planned pediacide. There is no rational reasoning for the continued assault on our children. Hence, there must be an immediate cessation of this genetic experiment on children and an investigation of those responsible for the global pediacide. Mass murder by lethal injection of the COVID-19 bioweapons continues worldwide, and we are now seeing more and more young lives being destroyed by these shots. Today's update includes 3 boys aged 20 or younger, as well as adults in the middle of their careers. Two are educators and were required by their employers to get the shots. Family members and members of the media continue to promote the lie that the injections have nothing to with these deaths and injuries, as they encourage others to go out and get the deadly shots. What percentage of the American public is now complicit with murder, when parents who allow their children to be killed or harmed by the shots continue to urge others to inject their children, as well as members of the media who continue to urge people to get the shots, and educators and other employers who require their employees to get a shot as a condition of work? America is now facing imminent judgment by an angry and just God who will not just sit back forever and allow this to continue. The idolatrous worship of pharmakeia is about to reap a harvest that will significantly reduce the population of the U.S., and probably much of the rest of the world as well. For too long has this country depended upon the medical system to save them, and now that very system is actively involved in destroying them, playing right into the hands of God and his prophesied plans for the end of the ages, and the ushering in of his New World Order.

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