Weekly Update 06/22/2021: The News the Liar Media Doesn’t Want to Talk About

3 years ago

From ABC in Turnersville New Jersey, Black men abduct and assault white woman, their waitress, who confronted them for not paying their restaurant bill. There were five of them. The bill was $70, the date was June 19th - A federal judge in D.C. ruled that Black Lives Matter cannot claim damages from President Trump over the removal of protesters from Lafayette Square last summer before his much-publicized walk from the White House to a nearby church - From Julie Kelly: If you’re wondering what sort of court-appointed lawyers J6 defendants are getting, this will be an eye-opener. Lefty DC lawyer pushes deplorable clients to watch movies about systemic racism. “I told them what my mom always told me, which is this is the most wonderful country in the world, it’s been great for all kinds of immigrant groups, except for the fact that it was born of genocide of the Native Americans and the enslavement of people.” Just when I think this whole farce can’t get worse…it does. And the media is totally cool with it - From Epoch Times: Pennsylvania lawmakers are closer to potentially voting to authorize an audit of the state’s 2020 election following remarks made by state Senator David Argall “I just think that it would not be a bad idea at all to proceed with an audit,” Argall said - The Arizona House just voted 31-29 to pass a bill requiring signature verification for all ballots - And finally, from Raheem Kassam’s National Pulse we have this little item: Compromised scientist Peter Daszak has been removed from the Lancet’s COVID-19 commission following a number of leading exposés by The National Pulse investigative team surrounding Daszak’s work with the Chinese Communist Party. You remember Daszak, he’s the guy that is close to Fraudulent Tony Fauci and to the Wuhan Lab activities, but most importantly, said the lab origin possibility was just crazy talk.

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