Spielberg: "The Last Days" of the Big Lie

3 years ago

Eric Hunt's documentary exposing Steven Spielberg's lies, deceptions and Propaganda from the Oscar award winning "The Last Days" documentary film and The Shoah Foundation.

Just like all the rest of the Propaganda taught to school children about the Jewish World War 2 Holocaust, this too is an egregious lie.
Holocaust Propaganda is key to stopping people asking themselves real questions about why WW2 started and who the National Socialists and Hitler were and what they were fighting for, by demonizing them.
The answer gives the ultimate red pill to unlocking their whole damned system, so they don't want you to know.
You don't believe anything the mainstream media tells you, why do you believe this?



Holocaust General:

Holohoax The Ultimate Redpill





The Majdanek Camp

The Treblinka camp

The Auschwitz Stammlager

The Reinhard Camps Sobibor, Treblinka and Belzec



This channel is called TheUncovering, of all the topics that the Truther movement investigates, this is one that is clearly poorly constructed propaganda, yet to question it, one can be killed, beaten, imprisoned, financially destroyed, threatened and have access to documents and materials banned.

The Truth Fears no Examination so is it the sensitive feelings of people that are hurt, hence the banning, shutting down of discourse, or something more..?
The Judeo-Bolshevik led Holodomor with around 10 million dead is rarely heard of. Why? Over 100 million killed by Maoists in China and other Bolshevik atrocities in Soviet union, over 9 million German soldiers, civilians dying in allied prisoner of war camps.. (Morgenthau plan) millions more in Soviet work gulags, we hear none of it because a certain power clique owns and controls media and entertainment and politicians.

Revisionist historians on this topic have had victory after victory, with figures of dead reduced by millions, camp after camp ruled out as mass execution centers (all camps in Germany) yet the official figure remains of 6 Million Jews killed in homicidal gas chambers.

Before you comment, fully watch and read all material in this video and linked in description. Resorting to adhominem attacks without questioning or proffering a salient point of discourse is just appealing to emotions and not facts and reason. This topic is the most deeply propagandized in western culture, it should fear no examination.

"The holocaust is a successful historical fiction"
Chief Rabbi Arye Friedman

"The holocaust may turn out to be the greatest robbery of the 20th century"
Jewish Professor Norman Finkelstein

"The 6 Million gas chamber myth is a arithmetic and technical nonsense"
Jewish Professor Roger Dommergue

"These mass executions in gas chambers remind me of the story of employment of human corpses during the last war for the manufacture of fat, which was a grotesque lie"
Chairman of British Joint Intelligence Committee Victor Cavendish Bentinck

" Not one case of death by poison gas was found"
Dr Larson Pathologist Judge Advocate General's Office.
( Died just before giving evidence at Nuremberg Trials by going off cliff in his car....)

"Most deaths in concentration camps were caused not by starvation nor malnutrition, but by Typhus"
Dr John. E. Gordon MD PhD Harvard Professor US Forces

"Any former inmate who during their debriefing continues to allege that poison gas was used are to be reported to this office and if they insist on lying further, they are to be charged with perjury"
Major Miller Commanding Officer Allied Military Police

"We have not been able to discover any trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners"
Red Cross November 22nd 1944

"The Holocaust is a complete forgery, initiated by Americans and Zionists"
Jewish Author Gilad Atzmon

#No scientific, technical proof that Jews were mass gassed in concentration camps.
#No evidence of camp gassing deaths through bodies or autopsy ( Autopsy and body evidence showed mainly Typhus death, remainder other illnesses and starvation) Senior Forensic Pathologist who performed over 1000 autopsies drove off a cliff to his death before giving evidence at Nuremberg.
#No mass graves of gassed Jews
#No cremated or bone material of gassed person ( from carbon monoxide or hydrogen cyanide)no mass ash piles buried
#No presentation, demonstration of a room's existence as a homicidal gas chamber at the Nuremberg trials or any court.
# No authentic eyewitness accounts of mass homicidal gassing. Accounts were either hearsay or inaccurate, contradictory and under cross examination would be excluded from normal courts of law.
# Admissions of genocide from Nazis were extracted under extreme physical torture and threats of death to family members. Some were given new lives in Soviet territory or America in exchange for testimony. Most admissions were ludicrous for eg killing millions of Jews at Auschwitz,(Hoess)

The footage of Soviet Partisan communists being shot and dumped in pits was carried out before and after operation Barbarossa by SS Einsatzgruppen and mostly locals of several Slavic (eg Belarus, Latvia,Ukraine) countries who were on the side of the Germans, taking revenge against Bolshevik (mostly Jewish) oppressors, some may have been civilians, but partizan war is shadowy and the war was brutal on both sides with centuries old hatreds.
There is no denial that these executions took place and at best count it was approximately 100,000. The execution of partisan forces happened on both sides and was not in breach of Geneva convention.

Reading materials:

Victor Thorn: The Holocaust Hoax exposed.Debunking the 20th Century's biggest lie.

Gerald Menuhin: Tell the truth and Shame the Devil

Arthur R Butz: The hoax of the 20th Century

Professor Thomas Dalton: Debating the holocaust, a new look at both sides

Richard E Harwood: Did 6 Million really die?

Germar Rudolf: Dissecting the Holocaust The growing Critique of Truth and Memory

David Irving: Hitler's War

Mike King: The British Mad Dog, Debunking the myth of Winston Churchill

The Leuchter Reports: Critical Edition 4th expanded.



Truth Does Not Mind Being Questioned, A Lie Does Not Like Being Challenged.

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