True Americans - Surfside FL, condo collapse! THE NEWS won't show it, I will

3 years ago

The news likes to show how bad things are in the world. The media will throw a new "term" into the works and the whole world, bows down and gives in to the whiney little babies who have nothing to do but to complain about "something", no matter how stupid it is and yet we acknowledge them! why? "Oh this song from 1953 bothers me, I'm gonna cry and whine, and threaten reputations if you don't abide by my wishes stop playing it and destroy all the copies you have of it! Then the media will pick it up, portray them as the victim and you will be forced to concede to their ridiculous, trivial, "I want my 12 seconds of fame" to 'temporary' fill the void in my my life" attitude with their complaint of the day. I'm done. America is done with it. No matter what they do to divide us, there will always be proof in the pudding, when Americans keep showing up as True Americans when needed. The news won't show people getting along, I think I will. God bless the people of Surfside Florida, their families and everyone else.


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