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Polyhydramnios English video

3 years ago

#polyhydramnios #English #medical #gynaecology #hubetabibi

Polyhydramnios is a condition where a woman simply has too much amniotic fluid during her pregnancy.

In routine pregnancy ultrasounds, there are two ways to measure the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus.

The first is the Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI), where the amount of fluid is measured in four different pockets in specific areas within the uterus. A normal AFI ranges from 5 to 24 centimeters (cm).

The second is to measure the deepest pocket of fluid within the uterus. Measurements over 8 cm are diagnosed as polyhydramnios.

The range depends on how far along you are in your pregnancy, as the fluid levels will increase up to your third trimester, then decrease.

As a rule of thumb, polyhydramnios is usually diagnosed with an AFI over 24 or a big pocket of fluid on the ultrasound of over 8 cm. Polyhydramnios is estimated to occur in only about 1 to 2 percent of pregnancies


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