Fiddler tutorial to help perform Webscraping & API calls

2 years ago

This Fiddler tutorial will show you how you can improve your Webscraping and API calls with WinHTTPRequest and XML Requests.

I've used Fiddler in other tutorials but I realized I didn't have a stand-alone walk through of using it. This tutorial is a quick overview of how to monitor your network traffic. This comes in super handy when you're doing things like Webscraping or connecting to APIs.

It can allow you to see what your browser / programs are doing and then you can re-create it in AutoHotkey (and then monitor exactly what your AutoHotkey script is doing to ensure it matches up perfectly.

You can download Fiddler here:

Here is a link to using Fiddler to monitor network traffic on my site:

If you're new to API calls check out this page:

If you're new to Webscraping check out this page:

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