Honeymoon Over for Biden

3 years ago

The honeymoon is over for President Biden as his approval numbers drop and disapproval numbers spike. With today’s AMERICANS FOR LIMITED GOVERNMENT MINUTE, I’m Catherine Mortensen. As his term progresses, Biden's approval rating continues trending down at a rate significantly faster than that of his Democrat predecessors. The numbers don’t look good for Joe according to Republican pollster Jim McLaughlin. He we're seeing right now are approval numbers in the low fifties with only about thirty-two percent of people say they strongly approve of the job he is doing. In the Real Clear Politics average, Biden's approval rating has drifted down to fifty-two percent as of June 22, which equals his previous low as president. Meanwhile, his current disapproval average has spiked to forty-three percent just shy of his previous high, and up from 36% at the close of his first week in the White House. Among voters’ biggest concerns are inflation and cost of living. That's going to hurt Joe Biden in the long run. For more check us out at the DailyTorch.com

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