Green Beret Outs FBI Weaponization of Jan 6 Infiltrators

3 years ago

6-24-2021 - Jeremy Brown, 20-year expert in Green Beret insurgency, counter-insurgency, and human Intel turns his training on FBI after he witnesses their lies and Director Christopher Wray's untruthful testimony about January 6th. This brave American Patriot whistleblower has had enough and says we all need to be standing up before our country is lost forever. The FBI is targeting Patriots as “Homegrown Violent Extremists” and will not stop until every single Patriot is behind bars. That’s their plan and it’s all in their Intel reports. Stand up now, Patriots, while we can still band together. More than 500 Patriots, including Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and Three Percenters are still being held in jail without bail, many in solitary confinement. This should be unacceptable to all Americans.

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