Dems Fail to Legalize Voting Fraud

3 years ago

00:30 Five-Year Anniversary of Brexit (7 minutes)

Five years ago, Britain voted to leave the European Union. Herbert W. Armstrong prophesied in the 1950s—before the European Union even existed—that Britain would not be part of the prophesied European power bloc.

07:00 The Permanent Steal (22 minutes)

The Democrats’ attempt to legalize the voting fraud committed throughout 2020 failed at the Senate yesterday. Democrats are desperate to maintain power and will stop at nothing to acquire it and hold onto it, including cheating, rioting and imprisoning political opponents.

29:30 More Vaccine Deaths (10 minutes)

Many more authorities are willing to admit that the COVID-19 vaccine is deadly for many people. Some nations have prohibited vaccinations among young people. In the United States, however, people are still being censored for talking about the deadly side effects of the vaccine.

40:00 Bible Study: Set Your Affection on the Things Above (15 minutes)

In this segment, I continue my Bible study on aligning our desires with God’s.

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