Fantastic Friendship

2 years ago

Jesus makes friendships through setting up for us divine appointments with people. Have you ever thought about your close friendships, and how you met and how special they are now to you? Jesus connects people. When our heart is wide open to God, Jesus will fashion friendships in our lives and some of these friendships defy human nature. Believe me I know. I have really good friends that I would not naturally have been drawn too, they were so different from me. It is true, there are people we would not choose to be friends with. We, in our human condition can be standoffish people and we like to stay within what we think we know we want, keeping our perfect conditions in place when we seek friendship. Because of this, we miss out on friendships that are like diamonds in the ruff. When we are in followship of God, He leads us to divine friendship appointments, taking us out of our comfort zone, and stretching us past what we would think of as a possible friendship for us. God is so amazing at connecting His people, we need to step outside of our coziness, and experience the wonder of what God can do. If we stay within our easy breezy comfort zone and don’t venture out with God, we could miss deep friendship that He is waiting to create for us, friendship that is unfathomable to us, yet ends up being very fulfilling. If we give God total access to our lives and live in a followship relationship with Him, being open to whatever He has for us, God will create amazing friendships through His creative way of connecting people. Try it, this challenge to all of us to step outside of our comfort zone and go with God into living out of God’s Great Adventure and let Him write our life story, let Him create fantastic friendships for us! Dig Deeper:

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