#Christians are in danger in Pakistan!!! Soon #Pakistan will turn into a graveyard of Christians!!!

3 years ago

Please raise voice for Pakistani Christians. Situation is getting worse day by day. and we do not have any leaders. we cannot elect our leaders government assign their puppets and call them our leaders. please share it to spread awareness. #PakistaniChristianspersecutions #ChristianLivesmatter #ChristianPersecutions #UnitedNations #InternationChristianConcern #minorityrights #minorityrightsinpakistan #minoritiestahfuzact #girlabductions #girlrapes #forcedconversions #Christiangirlsforcedconversions #Christiangirlsrape #unitedChristians #letsgetunited #pakistanichristians #savechristiansofpakistan #america #whitehouse #donaldtrump #uno #russia #Vladmirputin #davidwood #samshamoun #Christianprince #jaysmith #kenthovind #internationalChristians #abdullahsameer #apostateprophet

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