Ep.75 - The Illusion of choice, human neurosis and Nisargadatta Maharaj (with Deepa Khanna Sobti)

2 years ago

Here in this video I talk to Deepa Khanna Sobti about going to being a fund manager to an artist; seeking answers by asking deep probing questions from a young age; a chance encounter in a coffee shop that led to an art show of her work; profits from paintings going to charity; a moment of crisis when her grandfather died when she was 17 that led her to question everything; getting answers by writing; "you only see outside what's already inside"; the knowing that our problems are not unique to us; the connectiveness of everything vs ownership & attachment; recognition in 'I Am That' by Nisargadatta Maharaj of some of what she was experiencing; creating of 'specialness' of our lives & thoughts that creates the suffering; "everything that I see is already me so I can't tell me what to do"; how taking a position (aka opinion) has an energetic component that then sees it opposite; "You're not the chooser, it chooses you"; Life being a Divine illusion; no causation existing (from the spiritual perspective); human ability to produce neurosis, but also to go back to Source; if we slow down enough, the heavy conditioning comes off; things being solved in the Now; Surrender & using a pallet knife to paint.

Check out her art & poetry:

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