...but not good enough for you with Charlie Robinson - Host Mark Eddy

3 years ago

Historian and author CHARLIE ROBINSON makes his debut to discuss his co-authored book "The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire." The last 16 months have been horrible. There were the masks, lockdowns, bad science, social distancing, catchy slogans like "shots in arms," "stay home and save a life." What about the contradictory rules for me but you're exempt. What sense did it make to shut down churches, but strip clubs can remain open? Can all of the radical cultural changes in the last year be attributed to the bungled understanding of the science, or are they related to a bigger plan? If the latter, who is behind it, and what is their agenda? How long have they been planning for this opportunity? Why is America in the crosshairs? How have we been missing the red flags? Charlie provides insights that we need to comprehend.

The Octopus of Global Control – The Most Dangerous Book in the World

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