Revel Bars (CRUMBSHOT)

3 years ago

I remember having my last revel bar more than a decade ago, back when I was still in college. It was gooey, chocalate-y, and best of all, within budget. I knew I had to remake my go-to snack when I came across this recipe by @chefrvmanabat. I’ve taken notice of him thanks to YouTube’s algorithm. I find his content relatable and educational. His advocacy, I believe, is to help home bakers become entrepreneurs, which is probably the reason why he is so popular. And honestly, it’s something that I can get behind.

My rating: 9.5/10. Chef RV is the real deal. This was just how I remember what revel bars tasted like — very chocolate-forward without losing its oatmeal character. It was not sweet at all. The sweetness of the condensed milk was balanced by the dark chocolate, something specifically required by the recipe. The contrast of textures was exceptional. The first bite had some crunch to it, owing to the thinner oat layer on top, which contrasted with the soft and gooey chocolate center. The thicker oatmeal base was (unexpectedly) tender and moist, which for me takes it over the top. Aside from the taste, what made this recipe a 9.5 for me was how easy the procedure was. It took me just around 15 minutes of active time. Taking the photos, however, was a different story.

Recipe available at his YouTube channel, Chef RV Manabat.

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