Are Covid-19 Vaccines Mass Sterilization? (Dr. Richard Urso)

3 years ago

Dr. Urso admitted to being "scared" with a recent discovery that the Moderna and Pfizer spike protein is accumulating in he female reproductive system (Ovaries). .... This untested "injection" is proving that it is NOT a vaccine, but an un-controlled experiment contrary to the Nuremberg Code, and rule f informed consent following the NAZI medical experimentations and medical murders of WWII.

Dr. Richard Urso is a medical doctor and scientist who invented an FDA approved wound healing drug. With a background in drug development, he has been an advocate of early treatment for Covid-19 since March 2020. He has appeared at multiple mainstream media outlets and met with leaders of the Covid-19 task force, leaders of the Congress, Senate and CDC. He’s played a prominent role in Covid-19 awareness in Texas, meeting with members of the Governors office and testifying before the Texas Senate.

2020 Revisited: the Year Coronavirus Broke Our Collective Hearts and Spirit

SOURCE: Covid Coverup Revealed: Doctor Urso Joins GhionTV to Discuss these Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity

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