Suppression of Early Treatment Caused Countless Deaths and New Vaccine on Horizon

3 years ago

It has become clear that early treatment for COVID-19 could have spared 85% of lives and avoided millions of hospitalizations. Dr. Peter McCullough was interviewed by Dr. Sebastrian Gorka on the pandemic response. Gorka was a case example of how effective hydroxychloroquine was for him back in December of 2020.

One bright spot on the horizon is an effective and much safer vaccine from US company Novavax. This antigen-based vaccine gives a fixed amount of spike protein with no genetic material and no invasion of human cells. The top-line results recently released look excellent, and Americans holding out during the mass vaccination program now have a safer and very effective option on the horizon.

Listen to 'The McCullough Report' heard on the America Out Loud Talk Radio Network. There is always much more to learn back at America Out Loud:

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