Why You Should Massage Your Stomach and How to Do It

3 years ago

Abdominal massage, which may sometimes be referred to as stomach massage, is a gentle, noninvasive treatment that may have relaxing and healing effects for some people.

It’s used to treat a wide variety of health concerns, especially those related to the stomach, such as digestion issues, constipation, and bloating.

You can give yourself an abdominal massage or visit a massage therapist for a session. You may benefit from the effects of abdominal massage after only 5 or 10 minutes of massage per day. Continue reading to learn more about this self-healing technique.

Be sure to talk to your doctor before getting an abdominal massage if you are pregnant or have any health concerns.

The benefits of abdominal massage:
- Relieve constipation
- Improve digestive function
- Reduce bloating
- Alleviate menstrual pain
- Other benefits
#massage #stomechmassage #abdominalmassage

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