Heliocentrics Have Been Misled

3 years ago

Are you still believing in something you were indoctrinated with before you could barely think?

Skoolin kept the magic wand, made from Holly Wood, (Disney) waving in your face to distract you from even looking at something different. Keeping the minds of youth distracted for a lifetime.

Pub-lick Skool has been the death of critical thinking... of having the ability to deeply consider opposing views. Of how to find truth, in spite being belittled, dumped from lengthy friendships and banished from family events.

How very sad and sick we have become... But, I am seeing more people awakening from the depths of dispair, not even knowing why or how we became so sleepy. More able to accept the challenge to look into this thing called "Flat Earth". To see and understand the Geocentric truth of this world.

This is your last wake up call... The Hokey Pokey ain't got nuthin on this! We must lift the veil... the original definition of anarchy! For this is REALLY what it's all about...

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